During the current pandemic, TV industry and films are getting huge boosts in viewing because people are reluctant or discouraged to go outside. The imposed self-isolation measures are affecting video production services as well. Producers need to decide whether to delay projects indefinitely or try to go ahead, despite the restrictions, while serving the needs of their clients and their clients’ businesses.
Here are some of the ways that video production services are keeping their production levels high during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Protecting Employees- it’s all about safety first. Video production managers are making sure that their staff makes it through unscathed while working. The best way is to tell them to stay and work from home. In video production projects, many tasks can be performed from home. Employees could be allowed to bring their work computer to their homes.
Doing Virtual Meetings With Clients- it is now extremely easy to perform online meetings with clients and co-workers. After footage is recorded and edited, it is then broadcasted live to clients during meetings. Clients could give their feedback to improve final results. With standard broadband connections, it is possible to stream 1080p or 4k content during meetings for review purposes.
Keeping Things Simple- downsizing is important during the current crisis. Video production services are reducing the number of staff involved in their projects to maintain the recommended physical distancing.
Choosing Outdoor Locations- many scenes can be moved to outdoor areas. This prevents crowded situations during the production process in indoor areas. From mountainous valleys to beaches, there are many open areas for production crews to choose.
Managing Interruptions- it is a fact that interruptions will happen during the current pandemic. Lack of film-making supplies and commuting restrictions could cause delays in video production projects.
Relying On Local Talents- with the ongoing quarantine measures, it’s getting harder for people to commute and go to places. So, it is better for video production agencies to turn to local talent. Hiring local talent doesn’t only prevent spread of coronavirus, but it also reduces production costs.
Contact Muon Video
To learn more ways video production services are remaining productive during the COVID-19 pandemic, contact Muon Video and speak with a conference and event live video streaming expert who can answer any questions you might have.
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